猫咪社区care is committed to providing quality healthcare to our patients and has a responsibility to conduct business while following legal and regulatory requirements. Sentara has a dedicated Compliance team to provide a framework to identify and address potential compliance issues.
Contact Us
1300 Sentara Park
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
Hours: Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Email: corp_compliance@sentara.com
Sentara Compliance, Ethics and Privacy Hotline
The Compliance, Ethics and Privacy Hotline is available to report suspected violations of Sentara Integrity Compliance and Ethics Standards or violations of federal and state laws and regulations, as well as privacy violations.
The Hotline is available 24 hours a day and is staffed by an outside independent organization. All calls are confidential and the caller may remain anonymous unless they choose to self-identify. All calls are reported to the Sentara Compliance Office for review and investigation. Sentara policies prohibit any retaliation or retribution against anyone who calls the Hotline to make a report in good faith.
To report unethical behavior or violations of laws, regulations or policies: Call 1-800-981-6667.